SEO tutorial SEO-Students presents a SEO tutorial for students
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Tutorial steps:

  1. topic, target group,keywords
  2. head (tags)
  3. pictures (alt-tag)
  4. usefull domain
  5. links
  6. page optimazation
  7. duplicate content
  8. ...

SEO Tutorial(6)

page opmimazation

What else is important?

Headlines h1-h6

For headlines you use the headline-tag (with x=1,2…6). The most important headline is h1, less important than h1 is h2 and so on. There are two advantages by using headlines:

  1. The reader gets an impression what the text is about
  2. Search Engines mag rank words in headlines because these are important words concerning the content.


There are two types of enums sorted (1,2,3…) and unsorted (*,*, *,…)lists which structure the text and should be used when you use SEO.

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